Container Spec

  • name: the identifier of a container; a random id will be given if absent

  • image: in the form [registry]/image[:tag]; hyperctl will automatically pull the image if missing

  • command: the shell command to run when the container starts

  • entryPoint: the executable to run when the container starts

    • The command will be appended to entryPoint as parameters if entryPoint is not empty.

  • workdir: the directory running the container command

  • [Deprecated] ports: the exposed ports of the container, the ports now is move to the Pod level

    • containerPort: the listening port inside container

    • hostPort: the port exposed in host machine

    • protocol: tcp (default) or udp

  • volumes: volumes reference to be mounted in the container.

    • path: the mount point

    • volume: the name of the volume to be mounted, defined in volumes section, or specified in detail.

    • readOnly: if true, the mount point will be read only, default false

    • detail: the volume spec. If the volume is defined in volumes section of the pod, the detail field could leave null.

  • files: files reference to be present in the container

    • path: the file path in the container

    • filename: the filename defined in files section, or specified in detail.

    • perm: the file permission, by default 0755

    • detail: the file spec. If the file is defined in files section of the pod, the detail field could leave null.

  • tty: whether the stdio of the container is a tty device


"containers" : [{
    "id":  "app",
    "image": "repo/image:tag",
    "command": ["/bin/sh"],
    "workdir": "/root",
    "envs":  [{
        "env": "JAVA_OPT",
        "value": "-XMx=256m"
    "volumes": [{
        "path": "/var/log",
        "volume": "name",
        "readOnly": false,
        "detail": {                             
                  "name": "prod_log",
                  "source": "/var/log/myweb.img",
                  "format": "raw"
    "files":  [{
        "path": "/var/lib/xxx/xxxx",
        "filename": "name",
        "perm": "0755",
        "detail": {
            "name": "nginx.conf",
            "encoding": "raw",
            "uri": "https://s3.amazonaws/bucket/file.conf",
            "content": ""
    "tty": true

Last updated